Clean Slate


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Do you have shared Samsung tablets in your facility? Need to clean private data from your apps between hospital patients? Perhaps you want to reset parent's Netflix login data after each child is finished being entertained in your reception area? Do you need to customize it over your Enterprise MDM solution? You simply can't with standard tools because they don't have the elevated privileges to allow it. And you don't want to compromise security or manageability by rooting the device.
Well, you are in luck, CleanSlate was built for exactly that purpose. And it's fast. In under 2 seconds your customized list of apps are cleaned without a painful factory reset or even reboot of the tablet! Securely, adaptively, quickly, yet without being cumbersome - that's the pwnApps way!
NOTE: This application is ONLY intended to run on Samsung devices. It WILL work on both carrier and WIFI-only models as well!
Quick instructions: Simply install and run the app. If you would like to modify the list of applications that are cleared, simply edit the "packages.txt" file located in "/sdcard/Android/data/com.pwn.cleanslate/files" to contain the list of packages you'd like to clear - one per line.
Please contact us directly at [email protected] for Enterprise and MDM enrollment and deployment options for the app as well!